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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Dinner for Two

        This is an intangible art form as far as I am concerned.  Many cookbooks have been publish, sold and are currently torturing broke new wives, like myself, all across the country and I am tired of it.  Not only do I not have access to half of the ingredients necessary for such amazing dinners as Duck L'Orange, I can't afford those items even if I did have them.
Silly "Cookbook for Newlyweds" more like "Cookbook for Newlyweds with Trust Funds."
       Where I live, the most exciting of culinary happenings is the Truck Load Fish Sale at EconoFoods that occurs twice a year or so. (Closely followed by the plethora of fresh meats, butchered to order, available after the 4-H competitions at the County Fair.) Yes we do have a never ending supply of Whitefish pulled  fresh from the crisp waters of Lake Superior, but sometimes a sister needs more than Whitefish to please her palette. Therefore, when opportunity knocks, I answer and last week at the grocery store I noticed a sweet treat in the meat section.  Two little surprises: 1) lamb loin chops & 2) thinly sliced veal steaks.  I bought them both and brought them home, happy with my discoveries.
   I think it is important to note here that I have never cooked either veal nor lamb before this experiment, but armed with the knowledge that only the internet can provide, I set out last night to broil the lamb chops and broil I did.  I only salt and peppered the chops before broiling them about two minutes on each side (they were very small chops, I did say I was on a budget.  The pair cost about $8.  Just a few bites for each of us to savor.)
See tiny Salt and Peppered Lamb Chops

   I paired them with I am calling, Jew Mex Southwest Pierogies. (My great-grandmother would kill me.) Which are simply pierogies boiled then sauteed with red peppers, onion, green beans, corn and finished with some fresh cilantro.  Along with two Birch beers, it was a meal good enough to make us forget how broke we really are.  Total Cost: $18 for two.


Two Servings of frozen pierogies (about ten)
Half a bag of frozen French Cut Green Beans
Half a can of Corn
Two Red peppers sliced in thin strips
One Large Onion Cut thin
3Tbs. Butter or substitute
Fresh Cilantro to Garnish

Boil the pierogies in water as suggested on the package.  Meanwhile in a skillet or large saute pan over medium heat, add butter, red peppers, and onions.  Allow to caramelize about ten minutes, then add corn and green beans.  Drain and pat dry cooked pierogies and add them to the pan with the veggies.  Allow to brown about five more minutes and finish with about two tbs. of fresh cilantro. Yumm!!!

1 comment:

  1. You are super cute K!! Looking forward to reading this (even though I am not a new wife haha:) Totally pumped to be the first follower!!
