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Wednesday, January 12, 2011


No, no, no, not for me, but for everyone else I know it seems. Ok, that's an exaggeration, but for my best friend, Sam, it is baby time.  She just found out a month ago that she is pregnant with her second child, welcome a new  addition to her already beautiful family. So for me that means plenty of time to craft all new small and happy gifts to shower her with.  I like when I actually know someone who is having a baby, as it makes me appear less nuts when buying can't pass up baby items at St. Vinnies. I have a stack already going and waiting to be sent.
In this first shipment I am also going to include a bird mobile and a baby blanket.  The bird mobile was something that I found while looking for favors for our wedding.  Originally, I had hand sew about fifty of these birds with the intention that they would hang from the center pieces of our wedding tables and act as our favor, but when I hit fifty I hit a wall and I could do no more.  Subsequently our venue canceled on us (after invitations were mailed causing major confusion) and I was left with a bag of these stuffed birds.  So I figured why not make the mobile that the bird pattern originated from, which can be found on here at Spool,
And here is my version,
Taken with iphone (sorry about the quality)

    And of course what new baby would be welcomed without his/her own baby blanket,
Here Alice is modeling.

The Pattern is from Natural Knits for Babies and Moms: Beautiful Designs Using Organic Yarns by Louisa Harding.  A wonderfully adorable book if you are interested. Every project in there is so cute, a rarity in a knitting book. Next I am going to make the hat that is with this pattern and attach it to the blanket for a stylish hoodie-wrap. Pictures to come.

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